
This site was designed and developed by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. It aims to provide access to comprehensive information about the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and its services.

Accessibility Design

This website portal has been designed to be as accessible to as many users as possible, including:

  • people with disabilities who may use assistive technologies
  • those with slow internet connections or less than state of the art equipment
  • rural and regional users, and
  • those with non-PC internet devices, including hand held devices and mobile phones.

The site has achieved full first level compliance with the guidelines for accessibility of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), along with second level compliance in some areas. Consequently all pages are compliant with Priority 1 guidelines based on W3C Web Accessibility standards.

Accessibility Features

The accessibility features available on this site include:

  • functionality for increasing or decreasing the text size
  • descriptive text for images (ALT text) that can be read by assistive technologies, and
  • use of lightweight images / design to decrease load times.

Please note that you can also request any documents available on our website in the following formats:

  • printed/hard-copy, or
  • a plain text file.